Hieronymus Wierix
The Story of Jonas and the Whale
- before 1585

Hieronymus Wierix                   C.J. Visscher


Complete series of 4 plates and one extra
Reference:Mauquoy-Hendrickx 38-41
This is a third state as published by C.J. Visscher

on watermarked laid paper
(weapon of Amsterdam with two standing lions)
Plate border: 19 by 25 cm
Sheet: 30 by 38 cm


MH38: Jonas recoit de Dieu l'ordre d'aller a Ninive.

MH39: Jonas Jeté ŕ la mer




MH40: Jonas rejeté sur la plage

MH41: Jonas sous une tonnelle





This is the additional plate added by Visscher
It has 'Marten Devos inventor' and is probably not engraved by Wierix.



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